Thursday, August 6, 2015

YSA's Taught the 3Ms by Area 70 - Family Home Evening with Elder Johansson

Samabula, Suva -

Close to 200 Young Single Adults attended the special Tri-Stake Family Home Evening hosted by Elder Adolf Johansson of the Area 70 at the Samabula Chapel on Sunday 2nd August.

Elder Johansson shared that it was important for young single adults to remember the 3 Ms –mission, marriage and magnify. He shared the experience he and his wife, Martha faced when they first got married as they were of different cultures, Martha a Samoan and him a Tongan. And they have been married for 21 years.

“The marriage covenant,” Elder Johansson stressed, “is one of the most important covenants you’ll make in this life. Worlds without end is not possible without it.” He further encouraged the young single adults to “Look after each other, be good to one another. There is so much around us that try to destroy us. So let’s take care of each other.” He asked the YSA why it was hard for some of them to get married. Some responses included money issues, parental disapproval and Cultural pressures.

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