Thursday, August 6, 2015

Fiji LDSCC Farewells School Principal

Tamavua, Suva -

Dr Michael Carthew with his lovely wife Sharon Carthew, and their 3 children Renae, Liam, and Chelsea at their Farewell held at the Fiji LDS Church College Gymn. 
In a special school devotional on Tuesday the teachers and students of the LDS Church College farewelled their school principal, Dr Michael Carthew and his family who will be leaving Fiji for a new assignment in New Zealand at the end of the year.

Dr Carthew has been appointed as the new Assistant Area Director for Church Schools and will be based in the Pacific Area office in Auckland, New Zealand.

It was an emotional moment for everyone as they farewell a great man who led by example..

“I wish to thank you all for the incredible heart-warming farewell that my family and I received yesterday, “ said Dr Carthew.

He said that they will never forget it as they were deeply honored and humbled by the generosity and kindness of the teachers and students of the school.

"I am left feeling so very proud of our school and so very humbled to have been I allowed to be a part of it," he said.

Dr Carthew will be remembered for his endless support as he attended and watched the students participate in all school events, games and activities.

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