Monday, October 19, 2015

Suva North Stake Conference

Tamavua, Suva

Today was the first conference of the Suva North Stake of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter- day Saints conducted by their new stake presidency who were called to this responsibility in May 2015.

President Vito Qaqa thanked the members of his congregation for their sustaining vote. He said that “we are here because of your sustaining vote and you do that because you love the Lord. He told them that he hoped that they were ready “to feast upon the words of Christ. “

He thanked the missionaries for their work and said that his family was a product of missionary at a time we badly needed them. He can now see the fruits of this gospel on his children as five of them have completed serving their missions.

He encouraged his members “to be the best that they can be.” To those who fish to be the best fisherman, to those working in the office to be the best officers they can be” Elder Adolf Johansson the Area 70 was the presiding authority in this conference. He told the members that “ sustaining the leaders a spiritual thing. Raising your hand is a sign to God that you sustain his leaders. “He invited all to be recommitted to missionary work . 

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