Thursday, October 29, 2015

LDS Primary 2015 Career Day

Samabula, Suva -

Fiji LDS Primary School hosted its annual Career Day on the on 23rd October. Chief Guest was Mr. Aminiasi Voresara who is the Education Officer in the Career Section of the Ministry of Education. In his remarks he asked the student to be a “student from head to toes.” He was very impressed that LDS Primary is the only primary school in Fiji that has Career Day and that representatives from different professions were invited to talk to the students. Mr. Voresara asked the parents and the students the following question.

1. Do you know your potentials – what are you good at?

2. Do you love what you do the best?

3. Are you happy with what you have?

4. Is your environment safe for you?

5. Are you happy with your life style?

He suggested making life more meaningful and to rise and shine. With a scripture from Galatians 6:9 “and let us not be weary in well doing: for in due season we shall reap, if we faint not,” Mr. Voresara concluded that this is a model school in providing the necessary education and training to these young ones. This was another successful event of the school.

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