Thursday, October 29, 2015

2015 World Teachers Day - LDS Primary

By Shreya Singh- Head Girl


I look forward to your classes, when I come to school.

You’re all awesome teachers; I think you’re very cool.

You’re all smart and fair and friendly, you’re helping all of us;

And if I got to grade you, from me you’d get A+!

Who Am I?

Q. This teacher knows how to dance, starting with Gangum style right to Waikiki Tamure for the cultural show. She makes chicken burgers and our favourite, chicken Palau with tomato chutney. She gets us engaged during assembly story time from reading Little Red Riding Hood to Baby Bear.

Who am I??

Answer : Sister Talomaitonga!

Comedy Speech

123, Sister Singh makes us sing. Sister Tuicika makes it quicker; A stands for Apple the B stands for Ball.

Then we go to Vanua Levu, she hails from Namuka. Sister Rabuka captivates the class 1R with her thematic approach. Her partner in crime, Sister Buinimasi from Tailevu, uses Lauan dialect to teach math to beautiful hearts like Samoni. Yes, Sister Rabuka and Sister Buinimasi make a good team!

Sister Vitinavulagi just got off the plane from Auckland, New Zealand a month ago embraces her children with great ideas and CBA’s. Her partner in crime is Sister Rosy Bidesi, who takes her children around the world with colourful flags and countries.

Even though she’s older, Sister Fifita is as fit as a fiddle. Her figure is like a supermodel athlete. Her neighbour, Sister Rokobulidrau is a ray of sunshine as she shines around the school with her golden hair and colourful attire.

Brother Sautu is a man of many talents. He teaches the class fours and threes to read and write. His teaching is like music to our ears, like fireworks in a Katy Perry song! Sister Toganivalu hails from Bau, oops I mean Serua, does wonders in her class as she teaches mathematics.

Brother Batisaresare who is in love with Sister Tapele’s island-Gau, walks like he used to be in the military. He makes the students love math! Sister Sovasova from the burning west, helps children read with home-readers. Thank you Sister Sovasova!

Sister Toro, our graduate from BYU Hawaii floods the earth with her English skills and many talents, while Sister Sautu is our Pinterest Queen telling teachers of new teaching ideas. She is also ready to pose for the cameras with her high heels and jewellery!

Sister Tapele is the heart of the school at the admin office. She is partners with Brother Tagicakibau-the phonics man-and together they will rock your minds in the school band. That’s what you call talent!

Brother Nathan should get an award for walk-a-thon because you always see him walking around the school. And if I were rich, I’d give him a golden award from the Ministry Of Education for giving bus tickets to our students.

Sister Charan is our library bookworm, all the way from Sigatoka Coral Coast. She’s in love with library catalogues and book orders. She loves her favourite children Illiesa and Nelson.

Last but not least we have Sister Talomaitonga, a lady of many talents! She rocks the school with her Gangum Style, Waikiki Tamure from teaching the netball girls for their cultural show to making chicken burgers and our favourite dish Chicken Palau with tomato chutney. Mmmm. She also gets us engaged in the story time from Little Red Riding Hood to Baby Bear.

Yes these are our talented teachers at LDS Primary School!

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