Thursday, September 10, 2015

Fiji LDS Primary’s Cultural Night 2015

Samabula, Suva -

Initiated by the school’s PGTA (Parents, Guardians and Teachers Association), LDS Primary school hosted its annual cultural show on the eve of August the 13th. Teachers and their students presented their talents through dance and music.

The cultural hall and the chapel was jammed pack with families, friends and neighbors. The PGTA also provided a variety of menu for dinner. It was a great multicultural celebration. Many requests have been made for another cultural show and so we promise to have another show in 2016.

On behalf of the school administration and faculty we thank PGTA for their time. Parents, we are grateful for your support given not only to your children but to the school as whole.

Thank you all.

To view all the Cultural items Videos  PLEASE CLICK HERE to see it on our YouTube page.

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