Friday, September 11, 2015

DTA Brent Buckner Encouraged Fiji Service Centre Staff to seek inspiration daily.

Samabula, Suva -

Elder Adolf Johansson of the Seventy with Brent Buckner, Director of Temporal Affairs for the Pacific Area
 This week the Fiji Service Centre was privileged to be visited by the Director of Temporal Affairs for the Pacific Area, Brent Buckner.

As the chief guest of the office's devotion he thanked all the employees for their hard work in serving the people and encouraged them to seek the Lord’s inspiration daily for their work.

“Search the Book of Mormon and the words of the living prophet every day as it’s the key to spiritual survival. Sometimes, we do not receive answers to our prayers because we are not ready”, he said.

He said that an electric appliance connected to the power outlet cannot start automatically until the power source is switched on

“ Likewise, may we always be switched on, so that when our services are needed we’ll be ready.” He shared a quote that has inspired him over the years which states, “Strength doesn’t come from what you do, but from overcoming what you thought you could not do”.

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