Wednesday, January 13, 2016

Daily One Kind Act – DOKA can be a motto for 2016.

Story from the Fiji Sun

Daily One Kind Act – DOKA can be a motto for 2016.

The abbreviation when translated in itaukei means respect.

And what greater respect we can show each other than to do, Daily One Kind Act says The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints Elder Adolf Johansson.

“Jesus Christ came into the world to bring peace,” Mr Johansson said.

“We have just celebrated his miraculous birth with a Merry Christmas and good will to all mankind.

“May we follow the example of Jesus Christ. He went about doing good and may we in 2016 perform at least one act of kindness every day for someone who needs our help; let us love our neighbours as ourselves.”

“Let us think of each other as children of God, let us remember this phrase, ‘I am a Child of God’, this is our true identity.

“If we all did these daily acts of kindness, what a wonderful world this would be.

“Let the world know that it does happen here in Fiji, a place where people are kind and friendly.

“If everyone lit the way with just one little act of kindness, what a bright world this would be,” he said.

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