Monday, July 27, 2015

Suva Fiji Stake YSA Training - 15 in 15

Raiwaqa, Suva -

More than 50 Young Single Adults from the Suva Fiji Stake gathered at the Suva Fiji Stake center for their 15 in 15 training organized by the Stake. Sis Sefeti and Sis Solanki conducted the training showing the young single adults how to register for an LDS account and to begin compiling their family history.

The second part of the activity was led by Sis Solanki. The YSA’s had an open discussion on ways to help reactivate inactive Young Single Adults. Sis Seru, a recently Returned Missionary suggested that in most instances, inactive members simply needed a buddy or a friend, to help them come back to church.

President Ratuvukivuki, 2nd counselor in the stake presidency, gave the concluding remarks reiterating the strength that comes in gatherings such as this. "We all have our own personal weaknesses and challenges, but when we come together like this, we are strengthened," Pres Ratuvukivuki also thanked the FM team for providing the necessary technologies and resources that assisted greatly in the running of the activity.

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